November 2010

I found out I was pregnant.  Time sure does fly.  Now I have an amazing 15-month-old son who is the light of my life.  Then, just a week later, Dude’s beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniel died–on my mom and brother’s birthday. What a roller coaster of emotion that time was.  Here we were, overjoyed to be expecting our first child, and a beloved pet dies. Even though she was 15, it was hard.  And we didn’t want to say anything to our families that early (at only 4 weeks along) so we waited until I was 8 weeks.  A bit early, but I felt that if anything happened I’d want my family to know. So why not share?

Last year, on Black Friday, I slept as much as possible because Dude was home with me to share the burden of caring for a 3-month-old who still wasn’t sleeping through the night (and that took time). I didn’t go out, that I recall. I just remember being TIRED.  Actually, I’m pretty tired today. But my sleep issues have nothing to do with Little Man.

So this past Friday, we actually WENT OUT.   We stopped by my parents’ house.  We ran some errands.  And when Little Man fell asleep in the car on the way home, we spontaneously decided to head to the outlets that were about a 30 minute drive–so he’d sleep longer–and if it was too busy, we’d head back. But by 4:30 pm, the crowds must have slowed down a bit.  So we hit up Carter’s and Stride Rite and got a few basics for the boy.  His first pair of real sneakers (which he likes better than the leather shoes we got him) and a few pairs of pants and shirts in 24 month size.  They’re a bit big, but the 18 month stuff is a bit tight.  He’s right in the middle… almost out of one and almost in the other. But spending the little money we have on our son is worth it. Plus he needs clothes, right?

Maybe next year, on Black Friday, this mom can buy herself something nice.  Here’s to a better year ahead and perhaps a better economy and better jobs for my entire family.

Little Man is WALKING!!!!

They day before he turned 15 months, last Saturday, he just up and walked at my in-laws’ apartment.  We were there for my 3-year-old niece’s birthday party and he started walking about an hour before they arrived. I was so excited.  My baby was walking! Of course Dude’s brother was a “Debbie Downer” and was like oh don’t get excited because it’s more work.  I didn’t know him when their oldest child started walking but I want to ask someone if he was excited. But he doesn’t seem the gushy type to me. Oh well, not everyone can be exuberant, right?

Here’s video from the Monday after Little Man started walking, taken at my office.

On Tuesday, Little Man had his 15 month well visit and it went quite… well. lol

Weight: 26 lb 9 oz (75th percentile, down from 90th)

Height: 32.5 inches (90th percentile)

Little Man is meeting all his milestones and is, thankfully, healthy.  He does still have a bit of that umbilical hernia, but our pediatrician told Dude and I that some children have this until age 4 and not to worry. We only asked because his belly button is an odd looking outie and we weren’t sure if it was just an outie or something else.  And I have to say that we were glad to say he was walking. Both of us were a bit concerned that he wasn’t just days before even though we knew that we were late walkers ourselves.

I don’t know why we get stuck on “milestones” but I think parents inevitably do. I like Babycenter’s chart the best. Little Man is ahead on some, on time with others and behind on a few. So that means he’s probably average overall with development and that’s fine with me.  Though his word count is far ahead of what they think a 15-month-old should say. He’s up to almost 40!

Here’s the updated list. I may have forgotten a few, so it could be more (also a favorite word of his).

  1. Mama
  2. Dada
  3. Nana (for both my MIL and my coworker, Ana)
  4. Da Daw (the dog)
  5. Moo (cow)
  6. Baa (sheep)
  7. Dibbit (ribbit for frog)
  8. Up
  9. Down
  10. Dis (This)
  11. Dat (That)
  12. Ah Dun (all done)
  13. Mahr (more)
  14. Duck Duck (ducks)
  15. Donnuh Duck (Donald Duck)
  16. Lala (Elmo)
  17. Hola
  18. Agua
  19. Baba (bottle)
  20. Na Nok  (he bangs on doors and says knock knock)
  21. No
  22. Hello
  23. Nap Nap (why twice, I don’t know, but that’s for nap)
  24. Bir (Bird)
  25. 25. Uh-oh
  26. Kuh (cup)
  27. Snack (sounds more like sna)
  28. Key (Mickey Mouse or Cookie Monster)
  29. Ma-la-lay (Marmalade, one of my brother’s dogs)
  30. Buh (Book)
  31. Puh (Puffs)
  32. Mill (Milk)
  33. Meema (the name for my MIL’s sister)
  34. Papa (for my FIL)
  35. Bubba (Other babies)
  36. Mew (for cats, meowing)
  37. Door
  38. Wubba Wubba (Does that count? It’s for Grover!)

Other stats:

  • Eye Color: Hazel. They turn greenish gray when he wears green and a brownish gray at other times.
  • Hair: He’s getting more, but it’s still quite fine. The color is a dark blonde.
  • Diaper Size: Still a 4, and generally Huggies
  • Clothing: Mostly the 18 month outfits, but some 24 month
  • Shoes: The few he has are in 12-18 month (Robeez) or 5.5 Wide (Stride Rite)
  • Sippy Cups: He prefers the Nuby Flip-n-Sip
  • Bottles: Unfortunately yes, for milk.  And he won’t hold them himself.
  • Utensils: He likes to try to feed himself with sporks and spoons.
  • Favorite Toy: Still his Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home
  • Best Friend: Our dog, who he tries to play with all the time!

I have to say, this is such a fun age.  The only thing I’m not liking is the temper tantrums. But I guess it comes with the territory, right?

I don’t know if all parents discover children’s music, but thanks to Nick Jr., I’ve been introduced to the (IMO) genius of Laurie Berkner.  Not only does Little Man absolutely adore her music (he “dances” to “I’m Gonna Catch You” and “Five Days Old”) but so do I.  And my favorite song is “My Family” even though I often feel pangs of regret when sisters and brothers are mentioned. But overall the song is wonderful, and the line I bolded resonates.


When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family,
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family,
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family!
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,
Cousins, friends, sons and daughters,
Uncles, aunts, and grandparents
I’m so glad you’re my family!

Oh, I’m so glad you’re my family.
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family.

Even if you’re far away
or if I see your every day
when you’re in my heart to stay
You’re my family!

When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,
Cousins, friends, sons and daughters,
Uncles, aunts, and grandparents
I’m so glad you’re my family!

Oh, I’m so glad you’re my family.
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family.

Oh, I’m so glad!

I have several friends who I consider to be my family, because we’re in each others’ hearts. And I am so grateful that by marrying Dude, I have a wonderfully supportive family. It’s like I have sisters, even though I don’t see one of them too often, and I never realized I wanted that.

My sister-in-law, S, lives only 6 miles away so I see her more often than my other SIL, C.  Because of that geographic closeness, I know her better and I think she knows me better too. She is such a lovely woman.  S has helped me out by running to the store for me (when Little Man was a newborn) or fielded panicked phone calls. When Little Man was diagnosed with Torticollis and Brachycephaly, I had a breakdown and was home alone—she came right over.

My sister-in-law, C, is an awesome person, too.  I wish we lived closer and were able to see each other more often. When I initially tried breastfeeding Little Man, C was almost 9 months along with her fourth (my niece who is 6 weeks younger than Little Man) and she went above and beyond the call of duty (by demonstrating) when she tried to help me figure it out.  I was actually afraid of disappointing her when I decided to formula feed.  And C has such an easy manner with her children. They are kids so they have their moments, but overall they’re wonderfully well-behaved and I hope to learn from her example.

I’m less close to my brothers-in-law.  I have more in common (interest-wise) with S’s husband, J.  A love of cartoons and Muppets and other juvenile entertainment. And a shared fondness for the Baby Blues comic strip. But I feel awkward around Dude’s older brother (C’s husband), M.  It’s probably more me. But I feel stupid around him. I’m much more comfortable with C. So lately I’ve found myself trying not to talk to him. That’s wrong… I need to get over that. But I’m not sure how.

And I’ve mentioned that I adore my in-laws. They’re great.  And Dude’s aunt is such a generous woman, who is great with all her grand-nephews and nieces. So I’m lucky. I hit the in-law jackpot. Most people complain about theirs… but not me. Thank goodness!

As for my family, I have mixed emotions. I’ve mentioned my parents, who are wonderful. And my brother, who is complex. But my extended family is harder to discuss. I love most of them. I no longer have emotional ties to my one male cousin. But I never felt close to my female cousins due to the age difference—I’m 6, 8, 11 and 14 years older than they are.  Occasionally I am in touch, through Facebook, with my cousin’s on my dad’s side. But I seldom, if ever, hear from my cousins on my mom’s side. I’m not sure if I want that to change or not. I hate getting hurt and it’s easier to be distant than open myself up again to be rejected. And then I think I should be over these fears by now. I’m 40 years old… shouldn’t I be past this? But I guess not.

So my family is Dude’s and my friends. I’m so grateful that I have mended the one friendship that I almost permanently damaged and I’m doing my best to reconnect with friends that I have neglected due to motherhood and exhaustion. I hope they will accept my mea culpas, especially since they did that to me when their children were younger, but if not I will move on. I need to stop beating myself up for past mistakes. I really do.